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towards a new height, achieving a new leap
release time: 2018-01-23      author:chairman of the board of directors lu xiaojun


happy new year everyone!

"happy new year, vientiane update." in the twinkling of an eye, 2017 has passed. today, everyone gathered together to attend the annual meeting of the group. i would like to extend my warm congratulations to the honored advanced collectives and advanced individuals on behalf of the board of directors. a warm welcome to the supplier representatives who came to attend our annual meeting! the new year's blessings and high respects to the cadres, workers, and their families!

just now, all the general managers made statements and proposed the goals of 2018. lu yong, the president of the company, also deployed new work for everyone. it should be said that in 2017 our traditional industries have grown steadily, capital operations have served the real economy unprecedentedly, the new energy industry has gained momentum, and the military industry has gained momentum. the achievements have not come easily. in the new year, i hope that all subsidiaries will earnestly focus on the core, set up cohesion, communicate pressure, increase motivation, and enhance effectiveness in accordance with the group's development strategy and business policy objectives.

responsible for the implementation of responsibilities, re-focus on management intensification, pay close attention to the improvement of profitability, re-focus on performance appraisal, and solidly promote the responsibility system of the general manager and responsible persons of various departments to effectively implement all tasks. to this end, i will give you five key requirements.

first, persist in doing fine traditional industries, and focus on nurturing craftsmanship

the enameled wire and the motor are two traditional industries of laughter. the traditional industry is a new line of old products. we have both the scale of production and market advantages. we must continue to commit ourselves to the research and development of high-end technologies and high-end products to enhance the quality, especially the dew. tongji motor co., ltd. must combine high-end motors that have been successfully developed with high-end customers in order to strive for greater profits in the larger market; second, it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of production to achieve the ultimate in machine substitution and process tooling; do everything possible to innovate, use 'head up to look forward, look down at the money, only look ahead to see the idea of money', try every means to squeeze the dry towel out of the water, do a better quality and efficiency, and truly become an industry the leader, the giant of the industry!

traditional industries are the old, old and old brands of laughter. we must make every effort to build a “hundred-year-old shop,” nurture “artisan spirit,” sing and tie our other companies to sing the song of laughter, to reveal our laughing roots, and to shake our hearts. , to create an enterprise atmosphere where everyone pays attention to detail and pursues perfection, so that earnestness, dedication and perseverance become the career pursuit of more people, creating a new style of enterprise that advocates skills and strives for excellence.

second, persist in strengthening the new energy sector and achieve high quality growth

new energy vehicles and photovoltaic power generation are the new energy sources for the laughter. for the integration of new energy vehicle motors, batteries, electronic control, scroll compressors and system software, we must make great efforts to bring in international and domestic first-rate industry-leading technical and managerial talents. technology and purchasing departments must work closely together to make the best and best product with the lowest production cost. the work between departments must be linked together, and the large ring should be used to promote a major cycle. the new energy auto plates must be linked together to develop. they must pick up their sleeves to dry their fuel and try their best to do a scientific job. serve the marketing department in front of the “hiccups” to obtain greater profits. in cooperation with mr. li, shanxi, we hope that there will be closer cooperation in the future and greater and more robust business development. zhengzheng new energy and zhongke zhengfang must achieve the top five positions in the industry within five years and truly get their own right to speak.

both shunyu agriculture and dingyang green energy are photovoltaic companies and each has its own advantages. it is necessary to focus on project construction as the main battlefield, increase power generation as an important economic indicator, and make power plant management an important starting point, and do a good job in various projects. the personal safety, property safety, product safety, environmental protection and safety of the power station and power station are taken as an important indicator for measuring the project yield rate. photovoltaic industry is the golden season to grab gold, build power stations to generate more power, and go all out to build the power stations in our areas into clean, neat, beautiful and safe garden photovoltaic power stations. the photovoltaic industry is of high quality and high efficiency, and green development has made new and greater contributions!

3. adhere to the road of military-civilian integration and realize innovation and development of enterprises

tianxuntong technology co., ltd. is a military high-tech enterprise. it must seize the period of strategic opportunities for national military and civilian integration, carry forward the style of dare to fight the army, form a distinctive military industry, and build a core, competitive and all-out army. the key products; to recruit talents from the military and the military, innovate in military technology, develop military products, form military characteristics, broaden the military market, unite and lead all employees to fight together, and work hard to achieve the goal of listing for three years!

iv. insist on implementing excellent performance management to realize coordinated development of diversified industries

bernie laugh sapphire is a strategic emerging industry in the country, and its products have entered into apple's supporting facilities. with the increase in the demand for led sapphire materials on the surface of apple's mobile phones, watches and international mid-to-high-end watches, we have to make greater breakthroughs in the process tooling, technology lines, product r&d and manufacturing, and quickly put into production, and become a new year for us. the economic growth point has made the traditional industries prosperous, the emerging industries are full of sunshine, and our led products shine in the world!

kaixin investment will continue to provide investment and financing planning and service guarantees for the development of other brother subsidiaries this year. all middle and senior managers must take the lead in the development of the enterprise, strengthen the managerial ability, act as the “strategic vanguard,” and improve the business performance, and use the “fighter” to use the enthusiasm and high morale of the team. refined and excellent performance management model, and strengthen the spirit of pragmatic implementation, think of one thing, do one thing, do one thing, and become one, in order to achieve the company from high-quality growth to high-end advancement and work hard!

fifth, we must vigorously display the laughter culture and promote the spirit of laughter.

to achieve a great cause requires our leading cadres to have a big heart, great wisdom, and great aspirations. they should focus on the present, plan for the future, and grow together with laughter; use “four more”: more to see, more to listen to, and more to think about. the criterion is correct, and more is done; "five to do": do not do short, do not do surface, do not do good, do not do shallow, do not do fast; "five use": strive with the strength of a lion, use leopard-like speed to seize the market, use the spirit of the wolves to build a first-rate team, use the wisdom of a monkey to innovate and transform, and use the beauty of the phoenix to create exquisite products; "government management, management, sales management, management, management of books, management techniques, management systems, and good production, as a guide for everyone's actions. leading cadres must dare to play, bravely bear responsibility, not afraid of setbacks, not afraid of misunderstandings, adhere to the truth, use the sun to do their duty, work incorruptible, hold their responsibilities firmly on their shoulders, and be especially enterprising, especially able to endure hardship, especially capable of fighting. spiritually, the company is excellent, the products are refined, and the industry is stronger.

comrades, we must have a new atmosphere in the new era. we must also have new things. laughing today's development, relying on the party's guidance, national policies, and social concerns, we must adhere to the unshakable industry, adhere to the development is not slack, insist on innovation and not stop, work hard to build laughter is more prosperous and beautiful, in a new era toward a new height, we will achieve a new leap forward in the new journey.

finally, i wish all staff and family a happy new year! healthy body! happy family!

thank you all!

chairman of the board of directors lu xiaojun speaks at the annual meeting of the group company
